
Benefits Administration services

The Scheme receives members’ contributions, computes and pays out Benefits to its members as prescribed in the PPS Act. Benefits paid out include Retirement Benefits, Withdrawal Benefits and Death Benefits.

Investment of Members’ Funds

The Scheme invests members’ funds to enhance the future benefit of the member in accordance with the PPS Act. Investment of members’ funds is a function of the Board of Trustees delegated to Asset Managers as stipulated in the URBRA Act.

Reporting Services

The Scheme prepares regular reports for its stakeholders;

  1. Quarterly statements to members
  2. Quarterly reports to the Board.
  3. The Annual report presented at the AGM
  4. Bi-Annual report tabled before Parliament
  5. Monthly and Quarterly reports to URBRA

Information to Members

The Pension Scheme regularly informs members about their Scheme through various media like Email, SMS and written communication in addition to having a quarterly help desk to physically engage with the members.

Members Sensitization/Education

Members are sensitized on Retirement planning, Health, Investments and savings in order to prepare them for life after formal employment.